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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hunter's Test Came Back NEGATIVE !!!!!

We got Hunter's test results and they came back negative. We are so happy so it looks like we are going to get to go to Disney World... ( Look out Florida here we come). I'm so sorry I haven't written on here sooner but it has been a little crazy with making sure Hunter's tests are good and trying to pack for Florida.  I'm a little nervous about the plane ride but the boys are looking forward to ridding on a BIG plane, Mom and Dad not so much. The boys are so excited to see WOODY and BUZZ, and let's not forget MICKEY and MINNIE. I will let you all know how the trip goes.  Looking forward to some fun time with the boys. I will have a ton of pictures to share with everyone. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers !!!! Love the Laub's

Friday, April 22, 2011

April's treatment done.

Had Hunter accessed at Dixie,( THANK YOU LADIES !!!!) headed up to Salt Lake City for treatment had lots to do this trip. Hunter appointment was at 10:00am and on our way up to clinic we had our FAVORITE visitor.... Sherry and Oliver !!!!! They road the elevator with us. Thank you Sherry and Oliver for making Hunter smile !!! Thinking this was going to be a fast trip, I was wrong. Talked to doctor, talked to the nurse. Now we are just waiting for chemo. Then the doctor came back in told me to sit down. She showed me a copy of Hunter blood counts his red blood cell was low it was 2.42. She told me that she has seen this before in kids at the clinic. This is a good chance that Hunter has Human Parvovirus. This virus attacks the bone marrow so he is going to need antibodies to help him. They will do a blood test for the Human Parvovirus and results might be back on Friday if not on Monday. We will have to do another blood test on Monday to see what Hunter counts will be. I am sorry but you are going to hear me VENT..... if they think that Hunter has Human Parvovirus why would they want to put him back in Infusion for a blood transfusion so all the other kids could get the same virus????? This is what bothers me the most about clinic !!!!! If I knew my child was sick I WOULD NEVER LET HIM GO BACK TO INFUSION !!!! So this is why I made Hunter stay in his room the hole eight hours and a twenty minutes we were in clinic. (HUNTER MOMMY IS SO SO SORRY) While Hunter was getting his blood transfusion this brought back more memories from when Hunter was first admitted. It was right after Hunter had his port put in his chest and later the next evening the nurse was giving him blood. Now Rick and I would only sleep maybe two or three hours a night at Primaries. I was watching the monitors and Hunter heart rate would ALWAYS be in the 100's or 90's. this night it was dropping and it got in the 60's so I went out to the nurses station and told our nurse about the monitor and she told me that his heart didn't have to work as hard because he was getting blood now. I believed her and went back in our room. About an hour and a haft passed by and then all the bells and whistles started going off. Our nurse came running in and Hunter heart rate had dropped down to 39. This almost put him into cardiac arrest. They ordered a EKG for Hunter and by morning had three cardiologist talking with Dr.Lemons about repositioning Hunter port. After several hours later what had happen to Hunter was the nurse had administered his blood to fast. So this time while Hunter was getting blood they administered it slow.  Mom is TERRIFIED and Hunter was NOT his happy self !! By 6:00pm he had the biggest melt down in clinic. (Sorry to the one family in the back) Our nurse even offered him a prize and Hunter was telling her," no he has toys at home." So down stairs we go to get Daddy and Triston to make our wishes. Triston and Daddy made wishes all after noon waiting for us up stairs.My lot to do will half to wait until tomorrow. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers !!! Love, The Laubs